I love knitting for charity, and I really love projects that are quick and easy (and don't frustrate me and force me to pull out my rows because I misread the instructions). My mother, who can regularly be seen knitting wool socks for orphans overseas, turned me onto an amazing charity, KasCare Knit a Square, that collects 8-inch knitted (or crocheted) squares. Very much like Joseph's technicolor dream coat, these squares come together to make colorful, warm blankets for children with AIDS in Africa. I've found knitting squares to be a relaxing activity for evenings while watching TV, and I can crank out a couple of squares each week. I've also been able to use up leftover yarn instead of shoving it in the back of a drawer or pitching it.
If you'd like to join me in knitting or crocheting squares, please share in the comments below. I'd love to recruit some fellow knitters to join us in keeping kids warm.
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